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Senior NET Developer


Job Description

div div div div h classjobSectionHeaderstrongSenior NET developerstrongh div div div div div div div divPublication Date Oct div div div div div div div divRef No div div div div div div div divLocation Praha CZ div div div div divnbspdiv div div div div pSenior NET developerp pstrongPřipojte se k Nascaronemu Tyacutemu jako Seniorniacute NET Vyacutevojaacuteřstrongp br pnbspp pJsme dynamickyacute a inovativniacute tyacutem nadscaronenyacutech vyacutevojaacuteřů kteřiacute již dlouhaacute leacuteta dodaacutevajiacute scaronpičkoveacute aplikace renomovanyacutem českyacutem i zahraničniacutem klientům Nascarone specializace zahrnuje oblasti manufacturingu a staacutetniacute spraacutevy kde přinaacutescaroniacuteme inovativniacute řescaroneniacute a posouvaacuteme hranice technologiiacute Pracujeme na různorodyacutech projektech což naacutem umožňuje použiacutevat nejnovějscaroniacute technologickeacute vychytaacutevky ale takeacute se občas vraciacuteme k osvědčenyacutem starscaroniacutem verziacutem NET Použiacutevaacuteme technologie jako DevExpress Winforms MVC MAUI NET a nascarone uživatelskaacute rozhraniacute dnes tvořiacuteme v Angularup pV nascaronem tyacutemu budete miacutet přiacuteležitost pracovat na projektech ktereacute majiacute reaacutelnyacute dopad na nascarone klienty a společnost Spolupracujeme s předniacutemi odborniacuteky v oboru kteřiacute vaacutem pomohou rozviacutejet vascarone dovednosti a znalosti Podporujeme inovace a kreativitu kde každyacute naacutepad je viacutetaacuten a dbaacuteme na rovnovaacutehu mezi pracovniacutem a osobniacutem životemp pPokud hledaacutete přiacuteležitost vyviacutejet v NET a přiacutepadně v Angularu kde můžete naplno využiacutet svůj potenciaacutel hledaacuteme praacutevě vaacutesp br pnbspp pstrongCo Vaacutes čekaacutestrongp ul liNaacutevrh vyacutevoj a uacutedržba komplexniacutech softwarovyacutech aplikaciacute v prostřediacutenbspstrongNETstrongli liSpolupraacutece na architektuře implementaci a optimalizaci kliacutečovyacutech funkciacute systeacutemůli liTechnickeacute vedeniacute tyacutemu juniorniacutech vyacutevojaacuteřů a mentoring mladscaroniacutech kolegůli liIntegrace s externiacutemi systeacutemy a API praacutece s databaacutezemili liZajiscarontěniacute kvality koacutedu prostřednictviacutem code review a testovaacuteniacuteli liAktivniacute zapojeniacute do analyacutezy požadavků a spolupraacutece se zaacutekazniacutekyli ul br pnbspp pstrongCo od Vaacutes očekaacutevaacutemestrongp ul li let zkuscaronenostiacute samostatnost s vyacutevojem vnbspstrongNETstrongnbspanbspstrongCstrongli liZnalost vyacutevoje REST Api EF Framewrokli liZaacutekladniacute zkuscaronenosti s databaacutezemi napřnbspstrongSQL ServerstrongnbspstrongOraclestrongli liZnalost verzovaciacutech systeacutemů napřnbspstrongGitstrong a zkuscaronenost s agilniacutemi metodikami vyacutevojeli liSchopnost samostatně navrhnout a implementovat softwarovaacute řescaroneniacuteli liVyacuteborneacute komunikačniacute a tyacutemoveacute dovednostili listrongAngličtinastrongnbspna uacuterovni potřebneacute pro technickou komunikacili ul br pnbspp pstrongVyacutehodouNice to havestrongp ul liZnalostnbspstrongAzurestrongnbspstrongDockerstrongnbspstrongKubernetesstrongnbspnebo dalscaroniacutech cloudovyacutech a DevOps technologiiacuteli liZkuscaronenost s frontendovyacutemi technologiemi napřnbspstrongAngularstrong Reactli liPraxe s naacutevrhem architektury pro větscaroniacute projektyli ul br pnbspp pnbspp pstrongNabiacuteziacutemestrongp ul li tyacutednů volna tyacutedny dovoleneacute tyacutedny placeneacuteho volnali liflexibilniacute pracovniacute dobu a možnost praacutece z domovali liplaacuten osobniacuteho rozvoje na každyacute rok scaronkoleniacute hard skills soft skills včetně certifikaciacuteli lisysteacutem benefitů Cafeteacuterie minimaacutelně tis Kčrokli lipřiacutespěvek na penzijniacute připojiscarontěniacuteli listravenkovyacute pauscaronaacutelli liBYOD mobilniacute telefon firemniacute tarif i pro soukromeacute uacutečely služebniacute notebook možnost využiacutevat soukromeacute zařiacutezeniacuteli liobčerstveniacute na pracoviscaronti kaacuteva tembuildingoveacute sniacutedaněli lipřaacutetelskyacute kolektiv vymazleneacute kancelaacuteřeli limultisport karta nadstandartniacute leacutekařskaacute peacutečeli ul br pnbspp pZaujala Vaacutes nascarone pracovniacute pozice Ozvěte se naacutemp pstrongJoin Our Team as a Senior NET Developerstrongp pWe are a dynamic and innovative team of passionate developers who have been delivering toptier applications to renowned Czech and international clients for many years Our expertise lies in manufacturing and public administration where we bring innovative solutions and push the boundaries of technology We work on diverse projects allowing us to utilize the latest tech innovations while also occasionally returning to triedandtested older versions of NET Our tech stack includes DevExpress Winforms MVC MAUI NET and we build our user interfaces with Angularp pIn our team youll have the opportunity to work on projects that have a real impact on our clients and society We collaborate with leading experts in the field who will help you grow your skills and knowledge We foster innovation and creativity where every idea is welcomed and we value a healthy worklife balancep pIf you are looking for an opportunity to develop in NET and possibly Angular where you can fully utilize your potential we are looking for youp pstrongWhat Yoursquoll Dostrongp ul liDesign develop and maintain complex software applications in NETli liCollaborate on system architecture implementation and optimization of key featuresli liProvide technical leadership for junior developers and mentor younger colleaguesli liIntegrate with external systems and APIs work with databasesli liEnsure code quality through code reviews and testingli liActively participate in requirement analysis and work closely with clientsli ul pstrongWhat We Expect From Youstrongp ul li years of experience with NET and C developmentli liExperience in developing REST APIs and using Entity Frameworkli liBasic experience with databases eg SQL Server Oracleli liKnowledge of version control systems like Git and experience with Agile methodologiesli liAbility to independently design and implement software solutionsli liExcellent communication and teamwork skillsli liEnglish proficiency for technical communicationli ul pstrongNice to Havestrongp ul liKnowledge of Azure Docker Kubernetes or other cloud and DevOps technologiesli liExperience with frontend technologies eg Angular Reactli liExperience designing architecture for larger projectsli ul pstrongWe Offerstrongp ul li weeks of leave weeks of vacation weeks of paid time offli liFlexible working hours and the option to work from homeli liA personal development plan for each year hardsoft skills training including certificationsli liCafeteria benefits system at least CZKyearli liPension contributionli liMeal allowanceli liBYOD mobile phone with a company plan for personal use work laptop option to use personal devicesli liRefreshments at work coffee teambuilding breakfastsli liFriendly team modern officesli liMultisport card premium healthcareli ul pInterested in this position Contact usp div div div div
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